About me

I’ve struggled with food issues all my life.  For as long as I can remember, I've told myself what to eat, when to eat, and how much, while unleashing harsh judgments and chastising comments whenever I would deviate from my rigid, self-imposed rules.  I gave food the power to define my worthiness.  My reward: a poor self image and the inability to both define my hunger and trust myself with food.  

Now, at age 30 and at rock bottom with these disordered eating patterns, I've decided to change my behaviors associated with food.  This blog represents my journey to learning how to eat intuitively.  It is my sincerest hope that others will learn from my experiences as they start to embark on their own food issues.  This scary, confusing, wonderful, and fulfilling process should not be done alone.

While my experiences in learning to eat intuitively are intensely personal, I choose to share them with you as openly and without inhibition as possible.  In turn, I have chosen for my physical identity to remain anonymous.  Too often, we get caught in the vicious cycle of comparing ourselves to others in an attempt to validate or demean ourselves.  So, for the benefit of us all, I will not be posting photos of myself on this blog.  However, don't be surprised to see images of other aspects of my life (including meals, etc.) that I hope you'll enjoy!  :)